Length: Circular stroll, 3 to 4 miles (GENTLE)
Fee: £15 pp
One of the Devils.
The doctor who called the Moravians in to deal with the excessive drinking and debauchery.
Tewdric, the father of King Arthur who stands in the circle of power.
The beautiful River Wye with the famous Tintern Abbey.
The remnants of Tintern’s industrial past and the mayhem it caused.
The Moravian church at Brockweir and the ruined St Marys church at Tintern with its history of continual destruction
The Old Station and its Circle of Power.
What the Devil thinks of the Devils pulpit and the monks below.
How in the past Brockweir was full of the devils of industrialisation.
How Tewdric was pulled out of retirement to fight the Saxons one last time.
How William Wordsworth got into trouble here.
REALISE: Tintern has a history that its current beauty belies.